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1Today, tui and perhaps European thrushes and blackbirds play that role.
2Even so, the song of a tui is known to sound very similar.
3Now tui are now moving to the city and breeding there.
4A kereru and a tui jump out among the religious iconography.
5Why do tui stop beating their wings for a time while they fly?
6Si oblitus fuero tui Jerusalem,-IfI forget thee, O Jerusalem,-
7Bellbirds are also able to access the feeding stations, although the larger tui are excluded.
8Conservationists say there has been a population explosion of tui in the suburbs of Hamilton.
9The youngest, Tama is deaf but one day he hears a tui speak to him.
10As well as banded rail chicks she regularly looks after pateke, black petrel and tui.
11The survey showed that sightings of tui had increased by 14 percent over the past decade.
12He says tui are dripping from the trees and around 20 kaka chicks have fledged this year.
13In part 2 of this story we head to the main Chatham Island for the tui release.
14Thy men of peace... Viri pacifici tui.
15The tui, or parson bird (Prosthemadera novæ zealandiæ.)
16Valete Patron (Rousseau) et tui condiscipuli (l'Assemblee National).-Cic.